11 research outputs found

    Cardiac exercise studies with bioelectromagnetic mapping

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    Bioelectric currents in the heart give rise to differences in electric potential in the body and on its surface. The currents also induce a magnetic field within and outside the thorax. Recording of the electric potential on the surface of the body, electrocardiography (ECG), is a well established clinical tool for detecting insufficient perfusion of blood, i.e., ischemia during exercise testing. In a more recent technique, magnetocardiography (MCG), the cardiac magnetic field is recorded in the vicinity of the chest. Despite the clinical significance of the exercise ECG recordings in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD), little is known about the effect of stress in the MCG of healthy subjects and patients with CAD. Methods for analysing multichannel MCG signals, recorded during physical exercise testing, were developed in this thesis. They were applied to data recorded in healthy subjects to clarify the normal response to exercise in the MCG, and to data of patients with CAD to detect exercise-induced myocardial ischemia. Together with the MCG, spatially extensive ECG, i.e., body surface potential mapping (BSPM) was studied and the exercise-induced alterations in the two mappings were compared. In healthy volunteers, exercise was found to induce more extensive alterations in the MCG than in the BSPM during the ventricular repolarisation. In patients with CAD, when optimal recording locations were found and evaluated, alterations of the ST segment in the MCG could be used as indicators of ischemia. Also, ischemia was found to induce a rotation of magnetic field maps (MFMs) which illustrate the spatial MCG signal distribution. The MFM orientation could successfully be used as a parameter for ischemia detection. In the BSPM, regions sensitive to ischemia-induced ST segment depression, ST segment elevation, and ST segment slope decrease were identified. An analysis method was also developed for monitoring the development of the MCG and the BSPM distributions. It enables examination of different features of the MCG and the BSPM signals as a function of time or the heart rate. In this thesis, the method was used for quantifying exercise-induced change in the orientation of MFMs. Adjustment of the orientation change with the corresponding alteration of the heart rate was found to improve ischemia detection by the exercise MCG. When data recorded during the recovery period of exercise testing were evaluated with similar type of analysis methods, the MCG showed better performance in ischemia detection than the simultanously recorded 12-lead ECG.reviewe

    Clinical evaluation of a wearable sensor for mobile monitoring of respiratory rate on hospital wards

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).A wireless and wearable system was recently developed for mobile monitoring of respiratory rate (RR). The present study was designed to compare RR mobile measurements with reference capnographic measurements on a medical-surgical ward. The wearable sensor measures impedance variations of the chest from two thoracic and one abdominal electrode. Simultaneous measurements of RR from the wearable sensor and from the capnographic sensor (1 measure/minute) were compared in 36 ward patients. Patients were monitored for a period of 182 ± 56 min (range 68–331). Artifact-free RR measurements were available 81% of the monitoring time for capnography and 92% for the wearable monitoring system (p 20 (tachypnea) with a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 93%. In ward patients, the wearable sensor enabled accurate and precise measurements of RR within a relatively broad range (6–36 b/min) and the detection of tachypnea with high sensitivity and specificity.Peer reviewe

    Rasitusergometri kardiomagneettisissa mittauksissa

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    SydÀnlihaksen solujen yhdenaikaisen aktivaation seurauksena sydÀmessÀ esiintyy biosÀhköisiÀ virtoja, jotka synnyttÀvÀt heikon magneettikentÀn kehoon ja sen ulkopuolelle. Magnetokardiografialla (MKG) tarkoitetaan tÀmÀn magneettikentÀn mittaamista kehon ulkopuolelta ja kentÀn muutosta ajan kuluessa kutsutaan magnetokardiogrammiksi. Rasituksen aikana tehtyjÀ MKG-mittauksia kÀsitteleviÀ tutkimuksia on julkaistu vain vÀhÀn. Tehdyt tutkimukset ovat kohdistuneet terveisiin koehenkilöihin eikÀ yhtÀÀn potilasmittausta ole raportoitu. Yksi syy tÀhÀn on kaupallisesti saatavan, tarkoitukseen soveltuvan rasitusergometrin puuttuminen. Tavanomaisissa ergometreissÀ olevien magneettisten osien aiheuttamat hÀiriöt tekevÀt sydÀmen tuottaman heikon magneettikentÀn rekisteröinnin mahdottomaksi rasituksen aikana. TÀssÀ työssÀ rakennettiin rasitusergometri, jolla suoritettavan rasituskokeen yhteydessÀ voidaan rekisteröidÀ tutkittavan henkilön magnetokardiogrammi. Laitteen keskeisin piirre on, ettei se sisÀllÀ magneettisia osia. Ergometri kalibroitiin ja sillÀ tehtiin rasituskokeita yhteensÀ kymmenellÀ potilaalla ja terveellÀ koehenkilöllÀ. Mittauksissa rekisteröitiin tutkittavien magnetokardiogrammi, 12-kytkentÀinen elektrokardiogrammi (EKG) sekÀ sÀhköiset pintapotentiaalit rasituksen aikana. TyössÀ tehtiin myös MKG-mittausten alustava analysointi. Tehdyt rasituskokeet osoittivat, ettÀ myös liikuntaan tottumattomat ja huonokuntoiset potilaat pystyvÀt suorittamaan rasituskokeen ergometrillÀ. Kokeissa ergometri toimi ongelmitta eikÀ yhtÀÀn koetta jouduttu keskeyttÀmÀÀn tai peruuttamaan ergometristÀ johtuvista syistÀ. Mitatussa MKG-signaalissa ei havaittu ergometrin aiheuttamia hÀiriöitÀ. Mittausdatan alustavan analyysin perusteella voidaan todeta sydÀnlihaksen iskemian olevan havaittavissa rasituksen aikaisella MKG-mittauksella. Vasemman sepelvaltimon ahtaumasta (LAD) kÀrsivistÀ potilaista puolella nÀhtiin vÀlittömÀsti rasituksen jÀlkeen mitatun MKG:n ST-vÀliltÀ muodostetussa keskiarvokartassa yli 3 pT:n ero suurimman ja pienimmÀn arvon vÀlillÀ. TerveillÀ koehenkilöillÀ tÀmÀ ero oli keskimÀÀrin 1.7 pT. MKG:n QRS-kompleksin ajalta muodostetun keskiarvokartan maksimiarvo oli kaikilla terveillÀ koehenkilöillÀ sekÀ LAD-potilailla levossa suurempi kuin vÀlittömÀsti rasituksen pÀÀtyttyÀ. Oikean sepelvaltimon ahtaumasta (RCA) kÀrsivillÀ potilailla tilanne oli keskimÀÀrin pÀinvastainen ja rasituksen jÀlkeen mitatusta MKG:sta QRS-kompleksin ajalta muodostetun keskiarvokartan maksimin suhde lepovaiheen vastaavan kartan maksimiin oli kaikilla RCA-potilailla suurempi kuin yhdellÀkÀÀn muihin ryhmiin kuuluvista